feedback service

We all need a pair of eyes that aren’t ours reading our work. That’s how we move our writing forward & pick up on things we didn’t realize about our art. We’re offering this service for a small fee. Your money goes straight into the printing of our books, and in return you get detailed critique of your work.

email your packet as a word document, 12pt font to We’ll send you a questionnaire and establish a timeline before we begin working.


$15 per 10 pages of poetry

$30 for 25 – 30 pg manuscript

$75 for 60 – 80 pg manuscript

(prices negotiable & transaction will be handled over email)


11951124_10205117625323361_4930526425792830787_nCassandra de Alba: She graduated from Hampshire College with a BA in poetry and history and holds dual Masters degrees in archives and history from Simmons College. Her primary research interest is the American circus and sideshow in the mid to late 1800s, although she has also written about the rise of Ouija board use in the 1920s. She is also an editor at Maps for Teeth. Read her published work at

jessrizkallah_headshotJess Rizkallah: She graduated from Lesley University with a BA in English Literature with minors in Creative Writing and Illustration. Her thesis was about the importance of the poetic stage to marginalized voices in society and academia. Currently, she is studying poetry as an MFA candidate at New York University. Her research interests include the Middle-East, Feminism, and obscure topics for poems she accidentally starts writing way past her bedtime. She’s also an editor at Maps for Teeth. Her book the magic my body becomes won the 2016 Etel Adnan Poetry Prize and will be published on University of Arkansas Press in October 2017. Read her published work at

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